
Once the package has been installed, simply type library(statdata) as ususal.

# library(tidyverse)

Data Dictionary

You can find the data dictionary on the statdata website.

Basic Usage

This package contains the simple, but valuable datasets to understand basic data science concepts. While looking into datasets, mostly dataframe (aka, tibble), you can apply statistical skills which you have learned.

#>        국가 이산화탄소배출량 순위 1인당배출량
#> 1      중국           7706.8   76         5.8
#> 2      미국           5424.5   16        17.7
#> 3      인도           1591.1  144         1.4
#> 4    러시아           1556.7   35        11.1
#> 5      일본           1098.0   54         8.6
#> 6      독일            765.6   45         9.3
#> 7    캐나다            541.0   20        16.2
#> 8      이란            528.6   65         7.0
#> 9  대한민국            528.1   36        10.9
#> 10     영국            512.0   58         8.4